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Session Details
Balcatta Playgroup runs from Mondays to Fridays and can accomodate up to three sessions per day (morning, lunch-time and afternoon).
New families can join an existing session or we will try to create a new session.
A list of our current sessions and potential spaces for new groups are outlined below. The age range and number of places available in our sessions varies throughout the year. Please contact us for further information on the individual sessions.
Day Time
Monday Available for new groups
Tuesday 9.30 to 11.30am (Mixed age)
Tuesday Lunch and afternoon available for new groups
Wednesday 10.00-12.00noon fortnightly (0-1yr) Currently full
Wednesday 1-3.00pm available
Thursday 9.00 - 11.00am (1-2 yrs) Currently full
Thursday 11.30-1.30 available
Thursday 3.15 - 5.15pm (3-5yr olds)
Friday 9:30 to 11:30am (Mixed age)
Friday Lunch and afternoon available for new groups